FLS Enhanced Article

Developing Your Business Strategy

By: World Instructor Training Schools (W.I.T.S.)

This information is from World Instructor Training Schools' continuing education course:
Developing Your Business Strategy
. See the full course for additional information on building the foundation and setting goals for your business.
Click Here for more information on this course.

Short Introduction

This article teaches about business Vision and Mission statements. For more information on building Business Goals, please see the continuing education course.

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Developing a Business Vision Statement

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  1. © | Dreamstime.com
    A business Vision defines the way an organization or enterprise will look in the future.
  2. It is a long term view, sometimes describing how the organization would like the world to be in which it operates.
    1. For example, "Rid the world of childhood obesity."
  3. A business Vision should be future-oriented and inspirational.
  4. Here are tips for writing a good vision statement.
    1. It needs to have clarity and lack of ambiguity.
    2. It should be a vivid and clear picture.
    3. You want it to be a description of a bright future.
    4. It should be in alignment with your organizational values and culture.

Developing a Business Mission Statement

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  1. © | Dreamstime.com
    A Business Mission Statement defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or enterprise.
  2. It also describes why it exists and what it does to achieve its vision.
  3. Sometimes the business Mission is used to set out a picture of the organization in the future.
  4. Provides details of what is done and answers the question, "What do we do?"
    1. For example, "Provide fitness education and training to children."
  5. A mission refers to an organizations fundamental purpose for existing, defining what the organization is, its values and the customers it wishes to serve.
  6. A mission statement sets the tone for the organization's philosophy and helps set direction for future business decisions. It asks two questions:
    1. Who are your customers?
    2. What do you do better than anyone else?
  7. Your mission statement should come from the heart and represent who you are and what you want your business to become.
    1. Your clients and prospects should read your mission statement and get an understanding of you, your business and what you believe it.

Submitted: September, 2015
By: June Chewning
Fitness Learning Systems
513 367-1251