010 The Science of Barefoot Balance Training

Neuromuscular Influences

Barefoot balance training is a form of neuromuscular training. Neuromuscular training considers the nervous and neuro-stimulation with muscle contractions and movement patterns.

  • NM training considers the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) to better integrate the sensory, motor, and reflex systems.
  • The focus of NM training is improving movement patterns, muscle recruitment patterns, proprioception, and agility. You will find that the bottom of the human foot plays a key role to the stimulation and optimization of the neuromuscular system.
  • Studies have shown that fatigue of the neuromuscular system causes a delay in the transfer of sensory information to the motor system - which results in delayed reaction time and increased risk of injury.
The GOAL of neuromuscular training - or in this case - barefoot balance training is to increase the sensitivity of the sensory system to offset fatigue. By decreasing the threshold at which the NM system is stimulated, muscle activation pathways and patterns are brought to the reflex level.
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