001 Why is Barefoot Training Important?

  • During closed chain movements - such as walking - the foot is the first and last contact point between the ground and the rest of the body. This means that foot function plays a key role in the way our body will absorb ground reaction forces, transition into a single leg stance and generate power through the hips.

  • Studies have shown that mechanoceptors in the skin on the plantar foot play a key role in proprioceptive feedback on balance, ground reaction forces and shifts in our center of gravity. As we shift from one side of the foot to the other, different muscle activation patterns are stimulated. It is this reactive muscle stimulation that allows us to react to changes in direction, ground reaction forces and maintain balance.

  • Unfortunately in most people these mechanoceptors are often under-utilized due to shoes, orthotics and training surfaces. However by training barefoot we are able to retrain the sensitivity of these plantar mechanoreceptors and the associated muscle activation patterns.

  • As the fitness industry begins to embrace barefoot training, we need to remember that the foot and ankle are the foundation to human movement and closed chain kinematics. Therefore we must get our clients and patients shoes off - and begin to stabilize each movement pattern from the ground up!
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