045 Jumping T-Jack Additional Variation 3

Pendulum / McDonald's
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    Arms start and end in a "T" Position (static abduction at shoulder height).
  • Legs start with feet together.
  • ½ pendulum R, knee lift L, knee crosses over, and jump out. Jump in, jump out, and lift both legs up and around and in like a giant "M" in McDonald's for count 7 and 8.
  • ½ pendulum L, knee lift R, knee crosses over, and jump out. Jump in, jump out, and lift both legs up and around and in like a giant "M" in McDonald's for count 7 and 8.
Arm Pattern:
  • Arms sweep opposite to pendulum leg, stay out for knee-cross-out, sweep down in front for in, out for out, remain out for the 2 count leg sweep in.
  • You can break the pattern down into pendulum, knees / pendulum, knee with knee cross, and out / then add the in, out and sweep legs 2 counts in.
  • You can repeat the pattern on the right side several times, then the left side several times, and then perform the move right and left.
Cue Words: "Side, knee, cross, out, - in, out, and sweep 2. Side, knee, cross, out, - in, out, and sweep 2."