016 Barefoot Balance Program Design

Static Stabilization


The goal of static stabilization is to progressively challenge the proprioceptive response and control of foot / hip stabilizers.

The basic stance throughout each of these exercies is going to be in single leg stance position, with the foot straight, knee slightly bent with the hip flexed, shoulders back and the foot in a "short-foot" position.

Short foot is a foot activation technique that should be performed in all barefoot balance exercises. To do short foot, begin by standing on one foot with the body weight evenly distributed over the entire foot. Spread the toes wide and focus only on the great toe. Begin to press the great toe down into the ground. As you begin to press the big toe down you should start to feel your deep hip stabilizers and pelvic floor engage.

It is this short foot position that will build the lumbopelvic hip stability needed for barefoot balance training.


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