000 Why is Balance Training Important?

  • The most common subconscious activity we do every day - besides breathing - is walking. Whether we are walking up the stairs or down the street, a key component to the functionality of human gait is the single leg stance.

  • Proper lower extremity alignment and muscle activation patterns are critical to the stability as we transition into this single leg stance. From the plantar aspect of the foot all the way up to the pelvic floor and deep hip rotators, we will see how interconnected the foot and hip are with every step we take.

  • Despite the importance of balance and stability in a single leg stance, most adults do not actively participate in balance training exercises. If we fail to challenge our balance and neuromuscular stability on one leg we will eventually lose this skill and have an increased risk for falls.

  • For those clients or athletes not at risk for falls, the need for balance training still must be a priority. From an evidence-based standpoint, single leg exercises are some of the most effective exercises for activation and recruitment of our hip and core stabilizers. This translates directly to function.
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